Our skin is our largest organ providing a barrier to the outside world.
It keeps water and other bodily fluids in and protects us from bacteria, dirt, ultraviolet light and other potentially harmful substances. It also helps us regulate our temperature, recognise pain, and uses sunlight to produce vitamin D3,
What is Vitamin D3
This vitamin plays a vital role in maintaining strong muscles and immune system, it mobilises Calcium out of the blood stream and into the bones, preventing osteoporosis and Ricketts (A childhood disease causing legs to become bowed.) Vitamin D3 is mainly produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight.
How much sunlight do we need?
A shorter period of exposure of larger areas of skin is more efficient at producing vitamin D3 than long or intense periods of exposure.
People with darker skin tones will require longer periods of exposure to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D3.
Who is at risk for Vitamin D3 deficiency?
Certain groups at higher risk:
People with naturally dark skin
People who cover themselves for religious or cultural reasons
People with chronic medical problems, advanced age, or who are housebound
Babies who are breastfed by mothers with vitamin D deficiency
People with medical conditions which affect the production of vitamin D (obesity, liver disease, kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease)
People with indoor occupations or night-shift workers
People who consciously avoid sun exposure for medical or other reasons
As the skin is the body’s largest organ, we need to respect and understand just what we are putting on it daily. Your skin absorbs and transports to the body’s internal organs, all the products we apply on it daily.
The skin also reflects the condition of the liver and kidney’s ability to detox environment and food-based toxins, this will be seen on the skin.eg acne, rosacea, blemishes, and dehydration etc. (Garbage in Garbage out!)
What substances are absorbed through the skin?
Besides the lotions and potions, perfumes and body sprays we apply to our skin daily, there is a plethora of nasties also absorbed through the skin in significant amounts. These include mercury, isocyanates, poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), acrylates, and pharmaceutical products such as steroids and nicotine.
What area of the skin absorbs best?
The areas with the thinnest epidermal layers, and areas rich in sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and hair follicles, prove to be the best areas of trans-dermal absorption. These locations include face, neck, scalp, and wrist.
A chemical cocktail of synthetic molecules that can act as hormone disruptors albeit smelling divine, will impact on your health. And where do we tend to apply it? Neck and wrists two of the most highly absorbable trans-dermal areas of our bodies.
We have created 9 different natural aromatherapy crystalline perfumes and 5 oil-based perfumes to provide our customers with a better choice for their health and well-being.
How long does skin take to absorb?
It takes around 30 minutes for products to be absorbed, meaning, that if something is washed off before 30 minutes, it would need to be reapplied.
Does wet skin absorb better?
Dampening your skin before you apply your skin care prepares it to absorb whatever product you follow with. This is because damp skin is easier to penetrate than dry skin
Dampening your skin with our Hyaluronic Face and Body Mist is an ideal way to prime your skin to absorb our natural skin care range of ‘Natures Garden’ moisturisers, cleanser, and pH balancing cooling gel.